
Breaking News: Kindoo! Announced Winner 2021 Parent & Baby Awards

Parent and baby awards

As a parent, when you come across something that makes your life easier and more efficient, you need to share it with everyone!


Any product or service that will help you sleep longer and feel better while providing the best possible care for your baby is worthwhile.


The parent and baby industry has seen an increase in parental concern for baby hygiene, especially as the global pandemic continues. As consumer awareness of baby hygiene increases, the demand for high-end or high-quality products encourages growth in the industry. The industry is also highly competitive, so companies have concentrated on product differentiation, innovation, and an affordable pricing structure.


LUXlife is proud to announce the Parent and Baby Awards 2021. This programme has been running for three consecutive years. This year, we will honour businesses and individuals who have excelled in the industry by delivering the best products and services.


The award programme actively welcomes all businesses and professionals, from baby toiletries, to antenatal classes and nursery furniture, amongst numerous other areas, to get involved with this opportunity.


2021 forecasts several trends; nature-inspired nurseries incorporating Japanese design and Scandinavian minimalism, as well as high-tech prams, organic baby foods and online parenting consultants who are available to help new parents.


The Parent and Baby Awards 2021 are important in honouring those who work hard to keep up with these changes. The nominees of the Parent and Baby Awards are carefully judged solely on merit (as opposed to the number of nominations) by our experienced in-house research team…




We operate an open-vote policy, whereby any organisation can put themselves forward or be nominated by a third party. Votes are cast anonymously via our secure online portal. Voting is promoted digitally to LUX magazine’s extensive circulation, across our social media platforms and where appropriate, across our partner network. We, the publisher, also nominate candidates whom we feel are appropriate and deserving of recognition. The number of votes is not directly influential to the ultimate category winners.


All nominees will be contacted and given the opportunity to accept, or decline, their nomination. Only those who accept, will go on to form our shortlist.


Our specialist researchers scrutinise the shortlisted candidates, putting them through a period of extensive investigation prior to judging where we will make the ultimate decision. We review supporting evidence submitted by the nominees in addition to conducting our own independent research. The probe is typically centred around the evaluation of skills and services on offer; we will consider client and customer feedback and testimonials whilst recognising the nominee’s wider market reputation.

To move successfully, from nominee to winner; there must be evidence of extensive expertise within a given field or discipline, dedication to customer service and client satisfaction with an ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation.


After notification of their success, our winners are given a time-frame to discuss the celebratory items on offer. We are proudly not a pay-to-play enterprise with all winners encouraged to select a promotional package, be it commercial or free of charge.


When we make the formal announcement, we again reach out to LUX magazine’s extensive circulation, as well as our social media followers and, where appropriate, across our partner networks to promote the news.